The Learning Hub

The Learning Hub is a central repository for training courses and materials developed in the context of Project activities. The Digital Internationalisation Learning Hub will include learning materials (extracted from WP2) and Self-Assessment Tool (extracted from WP3). The main result of WP4 is R8: Digital Internationalisation Learning Hub including online/mobile learning platforms, training course, instructive engaging training videos with subtitles. In addition, the Hub will also contain:

Free Online Courses

Access free courses on internationalization and business skills, designed for SMEs. Learn anytime, anywhere.

Proficiency Glossary

Easily understand key terms related to internationalization and business growth with our user-friendly glossary.

Self-Assessment Tool

Assess your internationalization readiness and get personalized training recommendations with our interactive tool.

Mobile Learning

Learn on the go! Access courses, tools, and resources directly from your mobile device, anytime, anywhere.


The furniture industry is a labour-intensive and dynamic sector dominated by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and micro firms. EU furniture manufacturers have a good reputation worldwide thanks to their creative capacity for new designs and responsiveness to new demands. The industry is able to combine new technologies and innovation with cultural heritage and style, and provides jobs for highly skilled workers. Furniture sector in EU employs around 1 million workers in 130000 companies generating an annual turnover of around €96 billion. EU furniture manufacturers are also global trendsetters in designs and world leader in the high-end segment of the furniture market. In 2016, the EU imported furniture worth €15.3 billion from outside the EU, and exported slightly less —15.1 bn — to non-EU countries. China’s penetration into the EU market is growing rapidly and it is now the largest furniture exporter to the EU, accounting for over half of total furniture imports to the EU. Italy and Germany are main exporters with 48% of the total EU Member States furniture exports and almost 40% of export to non-EU countries are made to USA and Switzerland.


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